Hello Friends!
I never plan on a specific theme for my newsletters. Somehow when I’m mulling over what to write, and revisiting what I’ve read, listened to, and watched recently, a topic almost always reveals itself.
This month’s theme of Finding Inspiration and Motivation popped into my head a few days ago, and suddenly it felt like it was everywhere! It’s so fascinating how that happens.
It would seem I’m not alone in these musings.
Interestingly, having already landed on the theme, I then read Adam Grant’s newsletter, Granted, where he also touched on inspiration and how much it is about connecting the dots:
For me, connecting the dots is what gives me inspiration. And what inspires me to seek out new dots as well! 😊
This also resonates deeply with me in terms of leadership. As leaders, we’re no longer just gatekeepers of knowledge—we’re responsible for seeing the bigger picture, for connecting the dots in ways that inspire ourselves – and others – to act.
This theme has been popping up everywhere for me lately, including in James Clear’s recent 3-2-1 Newsletter, where he shared this gem:
“Compete externally and you compare.
Compete internally and you improve.”
I love that message. It’s a reminder that real growth comes from within, not from trying to measure up to others.
And following that thought a bit further, playwright Eugene Ionesco furthers this idea with his quote:
“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.”
So much of coaching is about asking powerful questions, so this really resonates with me! When we challenge ourselves with powerful questions, we spark that internal competition—the kind that leads to genuine improvement.
Not all of us are motivated by the same things either. That’s something I found really interesting in a recent episode of The One You Feed podcast. When asked about bad advice that’s widely accepted, the guest shared:
“Everyone should meditate.”
At first glance, it might seem like great advice, but it doesn’t work for everyone. (Me for example! Try as I might.) As Kristen Meinzer & Jolenta Greenberg pointed out, just because something works for one person doesn’t mean it’s a universal solution. We’re all wired differently. Some people thrive on meditation, while others may find their sense of peace or motivation in completely different ways. “We all have different things that can help us feel happy” the authors point out.
Inspiration is really unique. What motivates us is dependent on the individual. Figuring out what those things are is really the key!
(The entire podcast was interesting – it was on How to Overcome Loneliness and Navigate Adult Friendships, a topic I think we all face!)
One thing that does inspire most of us is having hope. Listening to world renowned anthropologist Jane Goodall discussing hope with Julia Louis-Dreyfuss on her brilliant podcast series Wiser Than Me was such a joy. Goodall is 90 years old and still incredibly erudite, articulate, and full of hope and joy.
She talks about how important hope and love are. That it is all about the heart.
“The key is when you meet people like that [with opposing values and views] it’s precious little use arguing with them because they’re not going to listen is you’ve got to reach the heart. And how do you reach the heart? With stories.”
That’s so powerful. Goodall believes that by using both our hearts and our heads, we can achieve our true human potential. And the research agrees with her —hope, it turns out, creates more resilience than mindfulness.
Maybe love really is the answer after all?
As anyone who’s been following me for a while knows, I am an avid reader! And I have read a number of books since the last newsletter, but nothing really all that good, to be honest. I read A Court of Thorns and Roses, since SO many people were raving about it online, but it was a “meh” at best for me. Also read the new Richard Osman novel, We Solve Murders, a new detective series not based around The Thursday Murder Club. It was okay. I enjoyed it well enough to finish it, but it was not nearly as engaging as reading about Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim, Ron and the gang!!
So I’m really hoping for recommendations from YOU this month! I don’t have an outstanding read of 2024 yet!! I’ve read a number of good books, but nothing that feels like it should be atop my Best of 2024 Fiction list. Have you read a fab book this year? What delights of fiction am I missing??
[A personal appeal from me: despite the links, please do support your local book store or library if you can!]
Gripping novels might have been few and far between, however I have enjoyed a few wonderful audiobooks. Good stories made excellent through their magnificent narration!
Clare Mackintosh’s A Game of Lies, read by Chloe Angharad Davies, was fabulous as the two main characters are from either side of the English/Welsh border and Davies voices DC Ffion Morgan in the character’s Welsh accent, and her counterpart DCI Leo Brady in the Cheshire accent local to him. I absolutely loved the voices, the accents, and also the story. (Mackintosh’s I Let You Go remains one of my favourite thrillers of all time.)
My daughter’s favourite author, Karen M. McManus, released her newest YA novel, Such Charming Liars, recently and I got it as an audiobook, primarily because the book had two main characters, and therefore the audiobook two narrators, something I really enjoy. The story was really good and was a fun listen as well!
Last Monday was Canadian Thanksgiving. I think the theme of inspiration fits really nicely with giving thanks. So this month, I invite you to reflect a bit on how you’re connecting the dots in your own work and life. What questions are you asking yourself? What motivates you? And where have you been finding inspiration lately?
I’d love to hear what patterns you’re observing, what dots are jumping out at you more frequently, and what things are giving you hope!
Have a beautiful October!