Enabling executives to gain clarity and pave a path to more dynamic, visionary, 
and purposeful leadership.

Enabling executives to gain clarity and pave a path to more dynamic, visionary, and purposeful leadership.


1:1 Leadership- und Executive-Coaching

A 6-month bespoke coaching programme to help you assess, enhance and expand your leadership capabilities.

Team Coaching

Want to get the best out of your team? Let’s focus on finding a common purpose, defining the goals and vision, and creating an effective strategy to bring this all into fruition.


Are you looking to wow on the stage? Are you an expert at your job but not at delivering a presentation? Then read on!​

Facilitation Für Führungsteams

A powerful tool in tapping into positive teamwork for professional and independent facilitation to support concrete strategic outcomes.​

Leadership Circle 360° Feedback

The only 360° assessment that measures both creative key competencies that are essential to leadership effectiveness and reactive tendencies. ​


Increase and improve team communication and interaction by understanding each individual’s communication style and strategies.​

Keynote Speeches

Inspire your leadership team with dynamic, engaging and motivating content. ​


Es ist sehr leicht, im alltäglichen Leben unser eigentliches Ziel aus den Augen zu verlieren. Zu wenig Zeit, zu wenig Motivation, zu wenig Selbstvertrauen und zu wenig Klarheit darüber, welche Ziele wir wirklich haben – all dies kann uns davon abhalten, die beste Version unserer selbst zu sein.

Coaching gibt dir die Gelegenheit, Themen zu hinterfragen, Antworten zu finden, Ziele zu definieren und diese auch zu erreichen. Durch eine Reihe offener, ehrlicher, herausfordernder und unterstützender Gespräche werde ich dir helfen, zu deinen Kernthemen vorzudringen. Das Coaching wird dir helfen, deine Produktivität zu steigern, es wird dir mehr Selbstvertrauen geben, Stress reduzieren und dir Wege zeigen, deine Arbeit mit mehr Energie und Leidenschaft anzugehen.

Gemeinsam holen wir das Beste aus dir raus!

The Coaching Process

Das Coaching ist individuell auf dich zugeschnitten.

Über die Wochen werden wir gemeinsam daran arbeiten:

  • deine wahren Ziele und Motivationen zu identifizieren
  • zu verstehen welche Verhaltensmuster dich zurückhalten
  • Handlungsschritte festzulegen, die dich deinem Ziel näher bringen
  • ein stetiges persönliches und professionelles Wachstum zu erreichen

Coaching kann persönlich, telefonisch oder per Videokonferenz über Zoom oder FaceTime erfolgen – je nachdem, wie es für dich und deinen Zeitplan am Besten ist. Coaching Sessions finden alle zwei bis vier Wochen statt und dauern etwa eine Stunde.


Einen professionellen Coach zu haben bietet dir die Möglichkeit:

  •  professionelle und persönliche Herausforderungen vertraulich und wertfrei zu besprechen
  • dich zu fokussieren und zu strukturieren
  • jemanden zu haben, der dich leitet, bestärkt und herausfordert, um deine Ziele zu erreichen
  • Fähigkeiten im Hinblick auf deine berufliche Entwicklung, soziale Kompetenz, Management, emotionale Intelligenz, öffentliches Auftreten, Mindset, Präsenz, Selbstvertrauen und Geschäftskommunikation zu verbessern

Eine weltweite Umfrage der International Coach Federation (ICF) zeigt, dass 82.7% der Menschen, die sich für professionelles Coaching entschieden haben, berichten, dass sie "sehr zufrieden" mit ihrem Coaching waren. 92.6% gaben an, dass sie Coaching in der gleichen Situation wieder wählen würden.

Um den Anfang zu machen, biete ich eine kostenlose und unverbindliche, 20-minütige Session zum Kennenlernen an. Buche deinen Kennenlern-Kaffe hier!

Solltest du Fragen haben, bevor du dich anmeldest, schick mir gerne eine Nachricht.


Be the best version of you


Nach mehr als zwanzig Jahren im Bereich Lernen und Entwicklung habe ich meinen Schwerpunkt von Business Communications Training auf Executive Coaching erweitert. Mir wurde bewusst, dass die Fähigkeiten, die meine Kunden benötigen, um beruflich erfolgreich zu sein und gleichzeitig auch persönliche Zufriedenheit zu finden, in unserer informationsintensiven, schnelllebigen, globalen Gesellschaft immer komplexer werden.

Mein Coaching verbindet unternehmerische Erfahrung mit meiner Leidenschaft, Menschen dabei zu helfen, ihr volles Potential auszuschöpfen. Mein Coachingstil ist dynamisch, intuitiv und zielgerichtet – mit nachweislichem Erfolg darin, meine Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, Klarheit zu gewinnen, ihre inneren Stärken zu erkennen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen und ihre Balance im Leben zu finden und zu leben. 

Ich habe meinen Abschluss mit Auszeichnung an der Ivey School of Business at Western University (Kanada) gemacht und habe das ICF-anerkannte Coaching Training bei Full Circle Global in London absolviert.

Ich arbeite außerdem daran, meine eigenen Ziele zu erreichen und liebe es, Neues zu lernen. Ich bin Hobby-Triathletin, singe in einem Chor, bin begeisterte Sammlerin kanadischer Kunst und gehe leidenschaftlich gern auf Reisen, um die Welt zu erkunden. Ich habe in mehreren Ländern Nordamerikas und Europas gelebt und gearbeitet und biete mein Coaching auf englisch und deutsch an.


Meine Kunden sagen mir oft, wie sehr sie es schätzen, dass ich die Dinge auf den Punkt bringe - aber mit Herz. Sie schätzen die persönliche Beziehung und den Rapport, den wir entwickeln.

Julia was the best speaker we could ever choose for our event. It started already with the preparation phase: she could understand our need very quick and was very proactive in delivering ideas and bringing them to life. Not only the great content of her keynote on "Owning your leadership skills" but far most her presence and presenting style have impressed us. She is really engaging and a great listener. She is very open for every kind of questions and always deliver a great answer. The passion she spreads is contagious. She was able to inspire the audience and motivate them to engage and take actions as follow up. We couldn't have wished anyone better!

Elizabetta Wolfger Talent Program, Siemens Healthineers Manager

We wanted to provide our 70-person leadership team with inspiration and ideas on how to elevate their leadership effectiveness, and I immediately thought of Julia. Here incredibly engaging and transformative session including simple but very effective insights and ideas for our leaders, and the feedback has been incredible. I’m a short time frame and virtually, Julia’s amazing presence and thought leadership was so effective and exactly what we were looking for. Julia you are an amazing keynote and I would recommend you to anyone! Thank you!

Jeff Conlin Vice President, Retail Payments & Logistics Services CIBC

My coaching sessions with Julia were fantastic! I became her client when I started my first leadership position and I wanted her to help me develop into a great leader for my research group. During our first meeting to get to know each other, I really liked her open and well-rounded attitude and found it very interesting that she works with new and experienced leaders. She helped me to find my leadership style, solve some difficulties, and feel comfortable and belonging in this position. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for an energetic, motivated and empathetic coach to help them develop their skills. I hope we will stay in touch!

Sina Martin Director of Research Sector of Medical Technologies FAPS Institute, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen

Julia listens and then delivers. For me, she delivered practical tools to help me regain control of my time. Early in the process, we made changes that delivered quick wins around organization and prioritization that were real game-changers. From there, she helped me make big advances on my goals. We articulated the goals, drew up a game plan and then worked through the execution. The result was more goals achieved. Prior to this experience, I didn’t fully appreciate the value proposition of coaching. Julia opened my eyes to the benefits, particularly how it helps you achieve at a higher level.

Devin Crago Vice President & Portfolio Manager, Nexus Investment Management

I can't recommend Julia highly enough - she is a phenomenal professional and business coach. We have been working together for over two years (monthly online sessions) and she has helped me overcome a number of work-related issues, has coached me through some difficult decisions and situations and has been a wonderful resource of advice and wisdom I've used daily in my business as it grows exponentially. She has a way of listening and deciphering my work problems in a way that no one else ever has and is constantly helping me see things from different angles and finding ways to tackle issues from a new perspective. I love that she challenges me to consistently set measurable goals and also to get to the root of deeper issues (i.e. how I define success for myself) that might be holding me back. My coaching sessions with Julia are a highlight for me each month and a real touchstone for me to think about where I’m at with my business and within my business. Working with her is absolutely worth the investment and then some. Not just a 5-star coach, but a 50-star coach.

Susannah Bleasby Artist & Entrepreneur, Susannah Bee

Nach langen Jahren in einer Führungsposition wollte ich mich neu motivieren und persönlich weiterentwickeln. Julia hat mir dabei in ihrer professionellen, direkten und pragmatischen Art sehr geholfen, dass ich meine Vision in die Tat umsetzen kann. Sie hat mir wertvolle Tipps, Denkanstöße und Impulse gegeben. Im Verlaufe des Coachings sind mir viele Dinge klarer geworden und ich sehe meiner beruflichen Zukunft optimistisch entgegen. Ein Coaching mit Julia kann ich jedem empfehlen, der sich in einer Situation befindet, in der er das Gefühl hat, dass er nicht weiterkommt oder einfach neue Impulse benötigt.

Ira Kurz Director: Data Analysis & Pharmacovigilence, Kantar Health

I had a presentation and communication coaching with Julia and loved it! She is such an empathetic and supporting person. She helped me with structuring my presentation, setting a red thread and making the presentation entertaining w/o losing the seriousness. Julia even recorded the spoken text in advance, so I was able to work on my language and tonality for the live presentation. Her spirit and energy were absolutely contagious and I appreciated working with her very much! Thank you, Julia!

Julia Hartung Communications Project Manager, Siemens AG

Working with Julia has opened a wide horizon for me - my own. Julia supported me in clearly recognizing my goals and using my potential. Within a short period of time, our collaboration had a positive effect on many aspects of my life, both on the job and personally. The result: more clarity, sovereignty, success and satisfaction. For me, Julia is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. Her professional manner is open, honest, motivating and appreciative. She has set the right impulses so that I can continue to grow and achieve my goals. I can recommend JNH Coaching to anyone who wants to take the initiative to get the best out of themselves.

Dorothee Andris Senior Speechwriter, Siemens AG

I had the opportunity to work with Julia recently and found her approach tremendously helpful. Julia takes a detailed inventory of the clients' situation and helps them narrow down possibilities in order to define purpose and direction. Her questions are pointed and thoughtful, with a focus on getting to the core of the matter. I particularly enjoyed her clarity about the goals of the process and the specific goals for each session. I am more than happy to recommend Julia as a coach. She has a genuinely caring attitude that proves helpful when facing difficult questions. I would not hesitate to work with her again while going through new and different stages.

Claude Meurehg Scrum Master, Agilea Solutions

I had the pleasure of being coached by Julia over several sessions. I was so impressed how Julia helped me discover more about myself and answer some questions that I should have dealt with previously. The manner in which Julia made me feel at ease and the total trust ensured that I got maximum outputs from all sessions...would highly recommend to anyone wishing to ‘better’ themselves.

Simon Venni Head of Professional Sales, Miele UK

Julia is one of the best listeners that I have come across in my life. Her pointed questions towards introspection and self-discovery are unparalleled. Having worked in a corporate environment gives her the background to understand business context and guide the conversation in a focused manner. Her polite way and true interest and care make her an asset for any executive willing to shape, impact and advance their careers.

Florencia Garrido Vice President & Lead Counsel, Siemens Energy

Julia is fantastic - very structured, competent and has such an empathetic personality! It was a pleasure to work with Julia with whom I could develop such an authentic and trusting relationship.

Mehdiyar Haschemi Executive Associate to the Managing Board, Siemens Healthineers

In our last coaching session, I confessed to Julia: “Working on my goals was not always easy – but it would have been much harder if I had stayed where I was in the beginning.” I worked with Julia for 6 months and I can proudly say that it was a real success: I gained more strength, clarity and confidence. With her help, I figured out what I want to work on, where my weaknesses and my strengths are – and what I can do to achieve my dreams. I can highly recommend working with Julia, she is warm-hearted, empathetic, and always focused. I am so glad I made this investment in myself. It has been a pleasure working with you, Julia.

Elena Kleffel Communications Trainee, Siemens Healthineers

After five years as a scientific assistant, I started my professional life outside of university two years ago as a team leader in the research department. My future is very important to me, so I’m thankful to be able to work with someone on my goals who takes them equally seriously. What I noticed first about Julia was her positive attitude, openness, warmth, empathy, and her outstanding organization skills. Being a coach and contributing to the development and growth of people towards a more fulfilling professional position is not only a job for Julia but a heartfelt calling. I can recommend Julia as a professional business coach without reservation and I look forward to our further cooperation.

Dr. Vroni Walter Research & Development Department Head, Epple Druckfarben

Frau Harig war fantastisch!! Sie hat sich sehr gut auf meine Bedürfnisse eingestellt und konnte sehr gut herausarbeiten, wo es noch Defizite gibt und wie wir daran arbeiten mussten. Gleichzeitig war sie sehr motivierend. Die Ergebnisse konnte ich zeitnah in meinen Arbeitsalltag einbringen. Meine Erwartungen wurden im Endergebnis übertroffen. Schade, dass es vorbei ist. [Ms. Harig was fantastic!! She adjusted to my needs very well and was able to work out where there were deficits and how we had to work on them. At the same time, it was very motivating. I was able to bring the results into my everyday work in a timely manner. The end result exceeded my expectations. Such a shame it's over.]

Karin Bliemel Legal Compliance, Siemens AG

I feel like you’re in my head and asking all the right questions!

Helene Holman Professional Stage Actor

Einige Anmerkungen zum Training mit Frau Harig. Es war: fantastisch, ueberragend, sensationell, grossartig, super, spektakulaer, ueberwaeltigend, ausserordentlich, phaenomenal, beispiellos. Wenn ich weiter nachdenke fallen mir noch weitere Superlative ein. Warum? Weil wir, abgesehen von einem exzellenten fachlichen Training, viel mehr erhalten haben. Naemlich ein interkulturelles Training (etwa Umgang mit Menschen im priv. und beruflichen Umfeld), ein Delegationstraining, ein US-Training, Motivationsschulung... Und das alles nicht nur auf dem erwaehnten fachlichen Niveau, sondern begleitet von einem persoenlichen und privaten Engagement, das ich so noch nicht erlebt habe. Dafuer muss es dann eben die Superlative geben.

[Some remarks on the training with Mrs. Harig. It was: fantastic, outstanding, sensational, great, super, spectacular, overwhelming, extraordinary, phenomenal, unprecedented. When I think about it further, I can think of even more superlatives. Why? Because, apart from excellent professional training, we have received much more. Intercultural training (e.g. dealing with people in private and professional life), delegation training, US training, motivation training... And all this not only on the mentioned professional level, but accompanied by a personal and private commitment, which I have never experienced before. For that there must be the superlatives.]

Dr. Sascha Daeuber VP Magnetic Resonance, Siemens Healthineers

Julia's coaching is insightful, helpful and calming. She got results incredibly effectively in a short space of time in our first session alone. She is clearly a highly professional coach who understands the realities of the world of work.

Liat Hughes Author & Journalist

Coaching with Julia changed my way of thinking. She helped me realize that change does not have a final destination. It is rather the journey itself that one should strive for. I am extremely thankful that my personal journey was influenced by Julia’s positivity, enthusiasm, and motivation. She exceeded my expectations with her inspiring thoughts and more importantly, she encouraged me to continue pursuing my journey also after the coaching process. I can see my goals clearly now and finally found effective tools to achieve them. If you want to become the best version of yourself, I would totally recommend JNH Coaching!

Luca Prietz Human Resources Marketing, Fraunhofer Institut

Reach your potential