WHY TEAM Coaching?

It’s been a challenging time for all teams. Now the focus is on the future and how your team can work best together.

Returning to the office from working remotely –or in many cases adapting to a more remote teams set-up–can be challenging and is often met with varying emotions. Company reorganizations and new team structures can add new stress to existing disconnects.

Finding common purpose, defining goals, and creating a strategy to reach them has never been more important.

Team coaching helps companies:

  • Establish a team identity
  • Agree on priorities
  • Identify team dynamics
  • Grow together as one new team
  • Review team set-up
  • Support the hiring strategy to meet needs

Julia's team coaching

  • Evaluates strengths and weaknesses of the team
  • Evolves communications styles
  • Reviews and suggests additions to company culture
  • Offers optional DISC personality profiles
  • Offers optional 360 leadership assessments for leaders and future leaders

Finding common purpose, defining goals, and creating a strategy to reach them has never been more important.

Can't wait to team together!!