Hello friends!
Hope this finds you well and healthy!! I’m thrilled to be liberated for the weekend – I’ve been in isolation all week after having contact to a Covid-19 positive person, but my test came back negative so I’m in the clear and can hug my kids again!!
Lots to share again this week, so let’s dive right in!
I’m still playing around with the template here, and got the very helpful suggestion that headings might be nice, so here we go!
There are thousands of books on self-development out there, but frankly I find most of them painful to read. They’re either waaay too dry and factual, or they’re full of cliches and have little substance.
Over the summer, I read Emotional Agility by Susan David and I think it was the best book on self-development I’ve ever read. I highlighted practically every line! It was a brilliant yet practical exploration of our emotions and how they work. One concept that made a particular impression was that there are 7 basic emotions (joy, anger, sadness, fear, surprise, contempt & disgust) and only ONE of them (joy) is a purely positive emotion. (Surprise can swing either way.) So clearly negative emotions serve an essential purpose. And learning to figure out what that purpose is, rather than trying to avoid it, is the key to mental wealth. Fascinating!
The author also hosts a wonderful podcast, Checking In with Susan David, which I found really thought-provoking and also exactly what I needed to hear. It was like a verbal hug!
Time Management
This is my big project for this quarter and I know that having an over-full inbox is a major issue for a lot of my clients. And this system for getting your email under control – the goal is Inbox Zero – is easily applicable. Worth a try! You categorize your email according to the stacking system and then work from the stacks. The videos are really easy to follow, and to implement!
This year has been a doozy, hasn’t it?! The Uncertainty Fatigue has been a challenge for all of us. Not being able to make plans, not knowing what you can look forward to – it’s taken a toll. I find it helpful even having a name for that feeling. Uncertainty Fatigue it most definitely is!
Brene Brown has a new podcast called “Unlocking Us” and she did a brilliant interview with the authors of a new book on burnout and how to complete the stress cycle. It was a really fascinating look into how stress is different from stressors (ie the internal effects vs. the external causes) and how ignoring the stress cycle leads to burnout. A great listen!
More in English after the German…. 🙂
Deutscher Podcast
Und jetzt meine deutsche Podcast Empfehlung für diese Woche. Laura Malina Seiler ist nicht immer meins, aber ihr “PowerTalk für einen positiven Start in den neuen Tag” gefällt mir sehr. Und er ist so kurz, dass jede(r) sich das anhören kann. Anstatt Dich nach dem Aufstehen gleich mit Deiner To Do Liste zu beschäftigen, nimmst Du Dir ein paar Minuten Zeit, um Deine Energie und Deinen Mindset für den bevorstehenden Tag selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.
I’d love to know what caught your interest and what you’d like more (or less) of. Please do feel free to share, as well!
Have a marvellous start to the new week. Stay healthy!